Namu Amida Butsu

This work is especially dedicated to Zuiken Saizo Inagaki, who sheds light on the pristine and original teachings of Jodo Shinshu (Shin Buddhism) for many people, including myself. I regard him as my soul teacher and I am very much influenced by his words and thoughts, which are deeply imbued with the Wisdom of Compassion of Amida Buddha. I read most of his writings available in Chinese language and I wish to share some of his golden words in this blog in English. Rev. George Gatenby and Mr. Gabriel Schlaefer have been kindly and untiringly assisting me to edit the translated essays so that they are readable and true to the intent of Sensei. May all partake of the wisdom of Shinshu teaching and be overpowered by the light of Amida Buddha.

Namu Amida Butsu!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Essay 114

Hear the Name
One thought of joy
That’s the fragrance of the flower of enlightenment of Amida Tathagata!

The words of those who savour the command of the Tathagata with care—who have been ironed out by NamoAmidaButsu—are inconceivable. Through their words, the unhindered light touches our heartstrings.

When conditions have not ripened, regardless of being wise or knowledgeable, they can never savour the command of the Tathagata.

Without hearing the Buddha-Dharma, such conditions will never arrive. The Dharma that you listen to today becomes the condition, and the condition becomes the stored good (宿善). The stored good is the illuminating and nurturing light of Amida Tathagata.

Zuiken Sama

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